Nature's Secret Larder - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall Chicken Out! Campaign Update


Bushcraft Blog

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall Chicken Out! Campaign Update
28th February 2009

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall Chicken Out! Campaign Update

I have been keeping a close eye on this large scale campaign since day one. Yesterday the campaign, which is run by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Compassion in World Farming, took a new label that clearly states the reality of standard intensive chicken production to the supermarket Tesco.

The label was the result of a competition designed to show shoppers the reality behind intensively reared chicken.

I won't cover this in detail as it can all be found here, CHICKEN OUT CAMPAIGN. I would urge anyone who cares about the welfare of these animals, or those of us who prefer a more honest way of living to take a look at the site, and hopefully do your bit for the campaign.

Catch you on the trail


Arianalics on 13/05/09

hi, thanks,The article was very well written, very helpful to me

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